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Surgent's S Corporation Core Tax Issues From Formation Through Liquidation - Download

Start Date
Wednesday, May 1 2024
End Date
Wednesday, April 30 2025
Credit Hours
Fields of Study
Facility Location
Virtual Learning
Surgent McCoy CPE, LLC
Self Study

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As experienced staff members master the preparation intricacies of an 1120-S tax return, they are expected to understand and apply the underlying concepts, principles and laws governing S corporation status. This course is designed to illustrate in both theory and practice overarching principles that govern S corporations from formation to revocation, termination and liquidation. Experienced, client-facing staff should be aware of the pitfalls that may inadvertently cause an S-status termination or may generate unintended tax consequences to shareholders.

Designed For

Experienced Accounting and Financial Professionals desiring a comprehensive case approach to understand reasonably complex S corporation issues and problems; also, Accounting and Financial Professionals who want a comprehensive, intermediate-level S corpo


  • Prepare more complicated S corporation returns
  • Understand certain advanced concepts of S corporation taxation
  • Protect S corporation clients from falling out of S corporation eligibility

Major Subjects

  • What exactly is terminating S corporations, including recent rulings
  • Schedules K-2 and K-3 reporting requirements and filing exceptions
  • Form 7203, S Corporation Shareholder Stock and Debt Basis Limitations
  • Shareholder changes Living Trust and causes S termination
  • LLCs electing S status, changing agreement could terminate election
  • Inherited a new client with reporting errors? What are my options?
  • Debt vs. equity and §385; Federal Express battled and won, how do we?
  • Are we to expect SECA tax on pass-through entities?
  • Shareholders losing “substance over form” argument
  • Basis neither increased by phantom income, nor reduced by non-deducted pass-through losses
  • Can I accrue expenses payable to a shareholder? Sure, but can I deduct them?
  • How §179 limitations affect S corp. basis
  • Comparison of liquidation of a C corporation vs. the liquidation of an S corporation
  • Did not timely file Form 2553? A simple method to correct
  • Is there a “flexible standard of law” in regard to closely held entities?


Basic knowledge of and experience with S corporation taxation